What we do

We raise the profile and recognition of skilled occupations, and show how important skills are in achieving economic growth.

WorldSkills New Zealand is an independent, non-profit charitable trust founded in 1986, dedicated to encouraging excellence and achievement within vocational occupations. For over 30 years, we have championed skills excellence right here in Aotearoa.

We aim to encourage, recognise, and reward skill excellence; raise the standards in vocational education; and provide a benchmark for vocational training in New Zealand.

New Zealand needs people working in vocational careers, and vocational careers have so much to offer. Everything from the houses we live in, the food we eat, the services that keep our economic wheels spinning, is made possible by people who work in vocational careers.

We have a strong network of supporters and volunteers who have amassed years of skill expertise in industry; and we are supported through the WorldSkills network to develop skills through global training standards, benchmarking systems, and enhancing industry engagement.

In the last 30 years, we have sent ten teams and over 140 individual competitors to WorldSkills International competitions.

We work with:

  • Industry associations and groups
  • Industry training organisations
  • Secondary and tertiary education and training providers
  • Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Ministry of Education and the Tertiary Education Commission.

If you are an industry group, training provider, or NGO looking to grow skill vocations, we welcome your call.



To encourage, recognise, and reward skill excellence.
To raise the standards in vocational education.
To provide a benchmark for vocational training in New Zealand.


Raise the profile and recognition of skilled occupations and to show how important skills are in achieving economic growth and personal success.


To be New Zealand’s champion in the development of work skills excellence.

Our Focus

You may have heard about us from our ‘Skill’ competitions, yet this is just one part of what we do. We focus on three areas:


Promotion of Skilled occupations →


  • Showcasing career pathways and benefits
  • Encouraging people to consider careers in skilled occupations
  • Working with Government and Non-Government Organisations


Benchmarking Skilled occupations →
  • Motivating personal achievement and success
  • Driving excellence and celebrating champions
  • Measuring the effectiveness of vocational training


Development of Skilled occupations →


  • Working with similar organisations to enhancing standards
  • Introducing New Zealand vocational methods into the international arena
  • Bringing international context into qualification development

Board of trustees

We are governed by a Board of trustees who oversee the direction of the organisation.