Regional Competitions Rules

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WorldSkills New Zealand 2023 Regional Competitions Rules

1.1 In Training / Apprenticeship
Individuals of any age living in New Zealand are eligible to compete at a regional competition provided they are currently undergoing formal training in the industry skill, or training towards a career directly related to the skill category being entered. In ‘formal’ training is either signed into a registered training agreement or enrolled with a training provider as at 1st April 2023. Note: minimum experience criteria may also apply to some Skills.
1.2 Out of Training / Apprenticeship
Individuals having completed training and currently employed are eligible to compete provided they are employed in the industry or in a career related to the skill category being entered and are under the WorldSkills International competition age restriction for that skill category. The following restrictions are applicable:
As at 31 December 2023:
21 years or under (ie born in 2002 or later) – all Skill Categories (except Skill Category Aircraft Maintenance)
24 years or under (ie born in 1999 or later) – Skill Category Aircraft Maintenance
1.3 When a category is not being run in a region or where nominations have closed it is permissible for competitors to participate in a neighbouring region running that category.
1.4 Past regional and national competitors within the age limit rules for the next cycle (except International Competitors) may enter again.
1.5 Competitors are not permitted to enter the same category in more than one region in the same year.
1.6 In order to confirm the eligibility of any competitor WSNZ reserves the right to ask for evidence of eligibility as per 1.1. and 1.2 from a prospective competitor e.g. training or enrolment evidence.

2.1 Competitors who arrive late for the competition will not receive additional time.
2.2 The Chief Judge controls the competition itself.
2.3 During the familiarisation period prior to the commencement of work the project will be distributed.
2.4 Competitors are reminded to undertake their project plan as part of the familiarisation.
2.5 Equipment and materials may be tested during the familiarisation period by competitors.
2.6 Marking schemes are to be distributed during the familiarisation period and collected from competitors before they commence work. Competitors may make notes from the marking scheme.
2.7 Should a competitor feel disadvantaged or any reason prior to or during the competition, the competitor should bring it to the Chief Judge’s attention immediately.
a) If a competitor injures him/herself during the competition time, the competitor must seek assistance from a judge in proximity – the time of the incident will be noted and upon consideration, the chief judge may allow the competitor the time they were unable to compete due to receiving medical assistance at the end of the competition day.
b) If through no fault of a competitor’s there is a power outage on their competition site or booth or for any other reason the supplied infrastructure malfunctions during competition time, and this impacts the competitors work then the time of disruption will be noted, and the competitor will be given the equivalent time lost.
2.8 During the competition work time competitors are not permitted to speak to, or communicate in anyway, with other competitors or members of the public.
2.9 Competitors wishing to leave the competition area during work time must seek the permission of the Chief Judge.
2.10 Competitors who need to repair their own tools or equipment during the competition will not receive additional time.
2.11 Competitors are NOT permitted to take written notes, sketches, special aids, or other information relevant to the project, into the competition area, unless these are specified in the project information.
2.12 Competitors who need to have equipment that is supplied by the organisation repaired will receive additional time or compensation as determined by judges in consultation with chief judge.
2.13 No photos/videos/recordings to be taken before the competition by anyone other than a WSNZ official. Once the competition has officially started anyone can take photos/videos/recordings and share/post them. Photos/videos/recordings may be used in promotional material for WSNZ.

3.1 A safety check of the work site must be undertaken prior to commencement of competition.
3.2 All competitors, judges and volunteers are to receive a site induction prior to the competition.
3.3 Competitors are required to wear appropriate work clothing, and safety items appropriate to their skill competition entered as set out in skill specific rules in the test project. See skill specific criteria for details.
3.4 Safe work practices must be adhered to at all times.

4.1 Competitors will receive marking assessments (results) in the days following the competition.
4.2 The completed project work and associated materials supplied are the property of WorldSkills New Zealand.

5.1 Responsibility for the regional event rests with the Regional Co-ordinator.

6.1 There will be some skill categories where feeder competitions to the National Competition are run outside the auspices of WorldSkillsNZ. Rules 6.3-6.6 apply to those regional competitions run under the auspices of WorldSkillsNZ.
6.2 Where six or more competitors competed at a regional competition the winner will be invited to compete at the national competition providing their selection is endorsed by WorldSkillsNZ .  If the winner is over the age criteria for entry to the international competition the highest scoring age-eligible competitor may also be invited to the national competition.
6.3 Where a region does not have six (6) eligible competitors in a skill category, it is at WorldSkillsNZ discretion to invite the winning competitor (entered under rule 1.1 or 1.2) to enter the national competition.
6.5 Overall next best, on actual results from all regional competitions may be invited to compete should a minimum number of competitors be required.   
6.7 Each skill category must be competed at 4 regions, unless given an exemption prior to the national competition.

7. ACCESS TO THE WORLDSKILLS INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION (Subject to New Zealand fielding a national team).
7.1 All age-eligible competitors, contesting a WorldSkillsNZ national competition in a skill category identified on the WorldSkills New Zealand website ( as potentially being contested at international level, are eligible for consideration as members of a New Zealand WorldSkills team should they meet the following criteria. They must:
7.2 Be residing in New Zealand for the time between the national competition and the international competition unless undertaking approved training overseas.
7.3 Achieve a WorldSkills national competition result, which meets the minimum standard set by WorldSkillsNZ for that skill category.
7.4 Fall within the WorldSkills International skill category age restriction applicable at that time.
7.5 Provide written confirmation of their intent and commitment to:
• Undertake and complete all facets of the WorldSkills International competition advanced training,
• Attend team training camps, and
• Attend the WorldSkills International competition itself.
7.6 Have the written support of their employer with regard to leave of absence requirements as specified in 7.5 above. Any subsequent employers should be fully informed of WorldSkillsNZ requirements as part of the job application process and agree to abide by these.
7.7 Accept responsibility to raise the balance of funds as may be required for WorldSkills competition travel and accommodation.
7.8 Be of good character and deemed by WorldSkillsNZ to be befitting that of a representative of New Zealand in an international environment.
7.9 Not have any impediment against them obtaining a passport, or anything that will prevent them from travelling to another country.
7.10 Final decision on team selection for the WorldSkills international competition will be at the discretion of WorldSkillsNZ

8.1 In the first instance, any complaint (either before, during or after the competition) will be referred to the Chief Judge of the competition concerned.
8.2 In the event that satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved, the Grievance Committee will be convened comprising of:
a. Technical representative of the competition event.
b. Independent Chief Judge from an unrelated category.
c. Nominated representative of complainant.
8.3 If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved by the Grievance Committee, the matter shall be referred to the General Manager, WorldSkills New Zealand, who will in consultation with the Regional Coordinator and respective Skill Manager make a final determination.
8.4 The objective of each step of the Grievance Procedure is to seek an immediate, agreeable, negotiated resolution.